Age Differentiation is Key to Re-opening the Economy

We all understand that COVID-19 is deadlier for the very old. But there are significantly different risks across all age groups which escalate precipitously with age. This varies from a nearly non-existent risk for people under 20 years old to about a 10% risk of death for those 85+. This age-based difference is so significant, that it should be a key component of differentiating policies for how we open up the economy with older, retirement-age, people asked to isolate for much longer than the majority of working-age Americans. It’s time for this to become a serious part of the discussion.

The All-Knowing Internet: Your Personal Data Reveals Everything About You

It’s hard to imagine an All-Knowing God but we now live in a world where it’s pretty easy to accept the existence of an All-Knowing Internet.  More specifically, there is an enormous amount of data that is known about you.  In fact, almost everything about you is now known or knowable.  Doubt me?  Come along for the ride.  It’s going to be scary and maybe exciting, but this is a red pill, blue pill moment.  Once you know it’s going to be hard to look at the world the same.  If you don’t want to know what The Matrix is then read no further. 

The Breakdown in Political Dialogue: Why are We Tearing Ourselves Apart?

There’s been a breakdown in our ability to have constructive political dialogue. We as a nation seem to be more divided than ever and increasingly incapable of civil discourse, even viewing the other side as a demonic bunch of idiots. We seem to be stuck in a vicious cycle that appears to be in a death spiral. How did we get here? Does it matter? Has it ever been this bad? Is there a way forward?

Did the Trump Tax Cut Actually Work?

Are we on a path toward prosperity or doom? The general assumption is that the Trump Tax Cuts have led to high 2018 Federal deficits. But is that really the case? What has been the affect of those tax cuts? #ProsperityOrDoom